(แบบสัญญาเช่ารายเดือน สัญญาเช่า 12 เดือน) Contract 12 months
1. ไลน์ ID: @kitchenworldth หรือ @kitchenworld
2. โทร: 081-8495447 หรือ 062-9979946
3. Email: [email protected]
Campione Dispenser
The Purezza Campione dispensing font complements our premium range of sustainable products for the hospitality environment.
Stylish and efficient, with high-flow dispense capability for still and sparkling water, the Campione meets the needs of any venue. Pair with the powerful Purezza P1 Fonte Range Water Systems to complete the product offering. Available in both two and three tap configurations.
Product warranty is 1 year, excluding consumables and misuse.